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PhD students/Early Career Researchers Workshop

Final Program


Coordination of the Workshop: Fátima Alves (UAb and CFE, UC) and Graça Carapinheiro (CIES, ISCTE)


Senior researchers who will act as discussants:


Hannah Bradby– Uppsala University, Sweden

Sakari Karvonen- National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland, President of ESHMS 

Amélia Augusto– University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal

Helena Serra– Nova University of Lisbon (UNL), Portugal


9:00h - 10:45h


Chair: Graça Carapinheiro, CIES-ISCTE


10 minutes: each presentation


1 - Off-label Prescribing of Stimulant Medication to Students: a Qualitative Study on the GP Perspective

Sara De Bruyn, Edwin Wouters, Koen Ponnet, Caroline Masquillier, Roy Remmen, Guido Van Hal


2 - The use of formal childcare services in dual-earner couples with young children –  How does it impact parental well-being across European countries?

Nikolett Somogyi, Wim Van Lanker, Tim Huijts, Sarah Van de Velde


3 - A multi-sited inquiry into the dispositive of stress

Dominique Autschbach


4 - Making Sense of Mental Distress in the Workplace: Frames, Legitimations and Formats

Anna Gonon, M.A.


5 – Bringing humanity back in: creating identities of biological samples in a health related biobank

Brigida Riso



10 min Sakari Karvonen

15 min Amélia Augusto


Participants Discussion: 15 minutes


10:45 - 11:00 – Coffee Break


11:00 – 12:30


Chair: Fátima Alves, Universidade Aberta, CFE - University of Coimbra


10 minutes: each presentation


6 - Digital Periods: Transformations of Gender and Medicalization through app-supported Menstrual Tracking

Levy Johanna


7 - The medicalization of female genital cutting: harm-reduction or social norm.

Nina Van Eekert (1), Veerle Buffel, Els Leye (3), Sarah Van de Velde (4)


8 – Caring about caregivers: Mental health consequences of informal caregiving to older parents in Europe

Kort Leen


9 - Differences in Adult Health between East and West Germans after a Regime Transition through Social Change: The Role of Childhood Socialization

Katharina Loter*, Oliver Arránz Becker Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg



10 minutes Hannah Bradby

10 minutes Helena Serra


Participants Discussion: 15 minutes


The Best paper prizewill be communicated at the final session of the Congress 


PhD Workshop Final Program. Download in PDF file.  

PhD Workshop - Call for Papers guidelines. Download in PDF file.



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